The constant drizzle made the birds stay over from the coffee plantation, leaving the field open for crickets, cicadas, frogs and other amphibians. And yet, the rains did not deter us. The breeze caressed our faces as we went looking for the birds. We heard the peacock frequently , saw a pair of racket tailed drongos chase a treepie away, found a greater coucal perched on a dead branch, a flameback flying from tree to another and a streak throated woodpecker pecking away. Unfortunately, all of them were quite far for my lenses and I enjoyed viewing them through my binoculars. But some birds allowed themselves to be photographed and here they are –

Here is a malabar parakeet looking down at the view below. A pair of magpie robins are the next .
More birds around. The spotted dove on top, followed by the silent orange headed thrush that hid under the tree .
The treepie that got chased by the racket tailed drongos
Another black drongo looks on


  1. shivani 31 July, 2010 at 17:23 Reply

    Can’t envy you less.Doing what i would’ve loved to do myself…birdwatching and if possible capturing all i could.
    But of course i could not take such pictures myself.
    Thanks for letting me have a glimpse and making me dream more.:)

  2. Anu 1 August, 2010 at 11:45 Reply

    Beautiful! loved the orange headed thrush… it wouldnt have been easy to photograph… and the oriental magpie robin seems somewhat different from the ones i have seen here….

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