

Remembering Oscar Wilde– Dublin, Ireland

  I was participating in a twitter chat yesterday , (hastagged) #TSBC about Oscar Wilde, which took me on a ...

Skywatch Friday– The Alcazar in Segovia

A fairy tale castle, the royal palace , this is the Alcazar or the Fortress in Segovia in Spain.  It ...

Sannathi and Samrat Ashok

It is a beautiful morning as the clouds descend close to the horizon and gather around the distant ridges of ...

Travel Tuesday–A sunny day in Amsterdam

  I was in Amsterdam a few months ago, lost looking at the canals . We went on a ferry ...

Teaching Indian languages– a town called Landour

We were in an idyllic little town called Kanatal nestled somewhere in the hills, in Uttarkhand, content to gaze at ...

Low cost airlines in India – Boon to Tourism ?

A few years ago, I was very much a part of the corporate world and my media job required me ...