When you are in a forest, one of the oft repeated wish is to see a tiger or a leopard. Well, yours truly is not an exception. But my luck has always been rather bad. However what started as a sour grapes attitude has suddenly changed . Today, I am easily satisfied with some sightings of birds. I enjoy looking at smaller mammals and am often rewarded by some quality sighting of the larger ones. During my trip to Kabini , I was staying at the JLR property and I was lucky to have a very good naturalist with me. Yes, I missed the sighting of a leopard and a sloth bear, but was very happy to see gaurs drinking waters and crossing the road in front of us, a smaller pack of dholes or wild dogs threatening a domestic dog, tuskers posing for us and even a threesome elephants dancing for us. In my earlier posts, I had spoken about a mother and a baby having a bath, besides our encounter with another family. So, now tell me , do we really miss a tiger or a leopard here ?


  1. asha 26 June, 2010 at 18:03 Reply

    The write up and the photos brings kabini alive for me. Hope to be there during my next visit. Also provide some details about accomodation at the end of the blog, if you can.

  2. Anu 27 June, 2010 at 11:16 Reply

    elephants dancing!! now thats one sight I would love to see! I havent seen dholes yet, either….. its been a long time since i went to JLR… hipefully this dec…

  3. Ed Pilolla 27 June, 2010 at 13:50 Reply

    when i see elephants in the wild, i think of those in the circus. in the wild the walk 20 miles a day. in the circus, they live in chains. these photos of yours are beautiful. god’s creatures we are, all of us.

  4. Trotter 28 June, 2010 at 03:25 Reply

    Hi Lakshmi! Sorry for the absence, but after a long weekend break, I was working abroad last week…

    Wow! What a photo safari!!

    Meanwhile, Blogtrotter Two discovers Sardinia! Enjoy and have a great week!

  5. Jeevan 30 June, 2010 at 15:29 Reply

    Wonderful pictures, I loved this series about kabini. its nature we seek for something very little in existence, but we expect more than which is for us.

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