Hoysala DynastyKarnataka

The Hoysala trail – 20 villages in 3 days

Thats right..Ive been on the Hoysala trail in interior Karnataka , visiting about 20 villages and 30 temples – some in ruins such as the one here , which is in a small hamlet called Angadi where the Hoysala Dynasty actually began..One of my best trips ever this year, I must thank my cousin Lalitha and my uncle Muralippa for actually taking me there..


  1. indicaspecies 8 May, 2008 at 16:37 Reply

    20 villages and 30 temples!!??

    That’s fantastic. We are gonna have a feast of interesting posts now. Welcome back, my friend. ๐Ÿ™‚

    – celine

    PS: I’ve just posted something small on Indian culture. Do pass by at your convenience.

  2. Alok 8 May, 2008 at 16:48 Reply

    That is simply superb !!!

    I am looking forward to see all those pics taken by you and to hear your experience about this trip ๐Ÿ™‚

    Keep rocking …

  3. Kamini 8 May, 2008 at 19:54 Reply

    This trip sounds like a dream fantasy come true! Am waiting eagerly for your accounts and photographs. Are you working on a book or something?

  4. Cuckoo 9 May, 2008 at 08:23 Reply

    20 villages and 30 temples!!?? I think you’ve created some kind of record. How do you manage it ? And who gives you company ?

    Waiting to know about those interiors.

  5. backpakker 9 May, 2008 at 13:46 Reply

    celine – Thanks.Its been a crazy ride alright..am currently quite overwhelmed ..incidentally the trail is not yet over

    Alok – It was a great trip and I went to the place where the Hoysala Dynasty is supposed to have started …the place in the picture..I need to post on other trips before coming back to this one

    DB – I dont do anything..am on a break from work..so am just living it up considering hard work never pays anyways ๐Ÿ™‚

    Aditi – Thanks..you said it

    Pallavi – I went on the Hoysala trail..the ruins are in a few places..but the main one, what you see in the pic is in Angadi where the dynasty started ..more on this in a while

    Kamini – I wish I did..need a publisher..

    Cuckoo – Interior Karnataka is quite a sad sight in some places..no power, no roads..but beautiful fields and simple people..the trail is not yet over …I will be posting in a while.

    Anoop – welcome to backpakker ..Ive been planning this for a while..your blog has amazing pictures..


  6. Punk master 9 May, 2008 at 17:32 Reply

    Seems like you have been on a great trip, and hope you have been on new and wonderful experience. Let me check ur others post later sometime soon. Take care and enjoy well ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Jeevan 10 May, 2008 at 14:38 Reply

    Glad it was to know u were having a deep trip into Karnataka, and very interested to know more. will read the older post shorter ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. backpakker 11 May, 2008 at 18:54 Reply

    Punk master – yes, Ive been on a great trip and thanks for dropping in

    Sameera – some of the pics are quite amazing..yes, I did study briefly in school too, but nothing like learning for yourself

    Jeevan – Thanks..It was a wondeful trip, but I need to read more before documenting it..so will take a while

    Gopal – the pics are awesome..I have quite a few..whats more, you are going to like this..I went to a village Shantigrama which is enroute to Hassan which is her village , where she was apparently born and she developed it and it is named after her.

  9. Rakiii 15 May, 2008 at 16:09 Reply


    thx for visiting my blog,

    its located in the center of lake hussain sagar,

    i think u should vist hyd once,

    its a wonderfull place!


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