

Christmas Greetings– A little convent from Spain

In Avila, a city walled in almost on all sides, I walk into a small shrine which was built on ...

Skywatch Friday–Badami from the caves

Everybody goes to Badami to see the caves. But here is a perspective of the ancient town from the caves. ...

Travels in 2013 – A bucketlist

Every December I make a bucket list – the destinations I would like to visit, the festivals I would like ...

December–a quick travel update

The blog has been silent for the last ten days as I have been travelling in and around Tamil Nadu ...

Travel smart with discounts

A lot of us refer to summer as the travel season, with holidays galore. But for most travellers,  winter is ...

Skywatch Friday–Dawn and dusk at Kanatal, Uttarakhand

Standing from my balcony at the Club Mahindra resort in Kanatal, this is how the dawn looked. And this is ...