

Villas in Villages

Every time I go past rural India, I stop by at the village houses. They are simple, functional and have ...

Cultures of India

I havent been travelling much for the couple of months and hence there is very little to post about my ...

Of kings and empires

Here is a portrait of a map depicting the empire of the Chola Dynasty that ruled South India and parts ...

Markets and temples

Patteeswaram, Tamil Nadu Just before you enter any temple in India, you have to pass through a market. In some ...
Andhra PradeshBlog

India through my eyes – Its Red hot !

Rustic India is indeed colourful and its not just greens and browns that we are talking about.Its red hot too..Chilli ...

Where are the tourists ?

Probably its the recession or maybe the season is getting over..but we hardly found any tourist in Kumbalgarh, but for ...