

Markets of the world– Jamuns and Jalebis of Mussoorie

We were walking along the streets of Mussoorie when the food blogger amongst us, Nandita aka Saffron Trail spotted the ...

Fly far away, dissolve and quite forget…

These words from John Keats’ Ode to a Nightingale means more to me now than it did when I was ...

Padmanabhapuram palace, the seat of the Travancore kings

I am off down South India to Tirunelveli again this week for personal reasons ; so here is a post ...
Andhra PradeshBlog

Markets of the world–Red hot peppers

On a dusty highway somewhere between Karnakata – Andhra border, I saw a little colourful market – red hot in ...

Chitra Santhe–a riot of colours in Bangalore

Its that time of the year again when Bangalore gets colourful and celebrates art and artists. Head to the Chitra ...

Saat Kabar–a “grave” for sixty women in Bijapur

I had been on a whirlwind tour Bijapur in an auto rickshaw and everywhere I was greeted with mahals and ...