On the move !
Its been a rather long day yesterday and I was walking all the time – in the forests, tea plantations,up the view points and my energy had almost drained by the time I got back to the hotel. I was amazed at my companion’s energy – 75 year young Manickam who has probaby worked in every garden and park that I know of and can rattle the names of flowers like they are his kids.But ask him about birds and everything is a chittu kuruvi for him.
Thankfully ,my other companion, the E7’s battery was alive .I don’t even remember the number of times I must have used the phone to check scores or watch some clips and the experience has been worth while. Now,you know what I am talking about. So while you answer this clue about a feature that provides entertainment on the move, I am moving on another hill station You visit the page here to submit your response.
Oh Lakshmi, I am complete useless if it comes to phone features;( I rather go for a walk with Manickam to talk flowers 😉
Your E7 is a perfect example of a gadget that walks you out of trouble when you are stuck..
I feel with features like GPS navigation, 3G internet one can travel all across the globe without much worries of getting lost and you can always have the information you want at your fingertips…
good fun 🙂
For me its my Samsung Duos. In most of the places, even inside forests atleast one of my 2 sims, catch signal somehow. 🙂
When I was a Baby at Kanchi!!!
well…i will see the next chapter..! by the way…it’s good stuff