Tag: Karnataka


Camera Critters

The pictures make me think how innocent people have been slaughtered by the terrorists in Mumbai last week. ...

A wild trip to Londa and Goa

This trip was wild..though it had little to do with wild animals – we did manage to see ...

The Bandipur Diary . Wild Conversations – Part 3

” Can you see the cattle ?” A herd has just stopped our jeep from moving any further..”Yes, ...

The Bandipur Diary – Wild Conversations – 2

“Morning.” ” Morning .” “Good sighting yesterday – elephants, gaurs, deer .Didnt know South India had so much ...

The Bandipur Diary – Wild conversations -Part 1

” Karnataka alone has lost 100 elephants in less than a year and it is mainly female elephants ...

Back from Bandipura

Thanks for your wishes. I am back in Bangalore and it has been a day of power cuts ...