

Hampi – A perspective

Mahanami Dibba – Hampi Built by king Krishnadevaraya to celebrate his victory over the rulers of Udayagiri, this is the ...

Hampi – Photo essay on a nomadic life

We met a few nomads in Hampi and the women folk shyly spoke to us. They are mainly from  Belgaum, ...

India through my eyes – rustic life

While returning from Daroji, we stopped by at a small village near Hampi to have tea. The locals gathered around ...

Birding in Hampi – the pied kingfisher and the commonkingfisher

There are many surprises in Hampi. Everytime I visit this magical place, I see something new. Last year, I did ...

Bali – Towering sculptures

The first thing that strikes you about Bali is its art. Its the only island in Indonesia where Hinduism is ...

Hampi – A quest of a different kind

We climbed the Matanga Hill in Hampi , looking for the yellow throated bulbul. This bird  had made the rocky ...