
Messaging – the American way


Recently my mother in law had some visitors. A couple of guys had come home , asking for details wrt the census. These guys were going from door to door, knocking on homes, asking for details . While I was in New York last month, the census activity was on as well. I do not know how the process works there, but what I did see was an advertising campaign where messaging was loud and clear – on bill boards, buses and even in subways asking people to cooperate wrt the census. For instance – the message on this hop on hop off bus says it all. Incidentally I saw quite a few buses with the Incredible India campaign on it.

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  1. Ugich Konitari 24 April, 2010 at 17:17 Reply

    What a nice and productive idea ! They could have started a similar campaign here countrywide, so folks would co-operate willingly in the numeration. But we only do slogans to show that we do slogans. Such as “Mulgi shikli, pragati zali” (=when a daughter gets educated, that is progress) painted behind rickshaws in Mumbai. While school admission and textbooks are still far away.


  2. Hobo ........ ........ ........ 24 April, 2010 at 17:56 Reply

    The solution is simple:
    Let ask people that it is mandatory to add their details for census And they will be provided with an identity card then And there. And if not found any day any time random checking on street/office/buses/trains or any where they have to deposit fine of Rs. something something. But for all that we need govt. authorized places where we can visit and submit our details And to get census card. What say?

  3. Tinkerbell 27 April, 2010 at 23:51 Reply

    India has had some successful advertising campaigns promoting social causes like “ek chiriya anek chiriya” of yesteryear and the polio campaign in the recent past. This is an effective way of getting the message across to people.

  4. Photo Cache 28 April, 2010 at 06:28 Reply

    No knocking on doors here. The census survey is delivered to your home via snail mail, fill it out and return back via snail mail as well. I just hoped people returned their survey forms. I did.

  5. Lakshmi 28 April, 2010 at 21:16 Reply

    Mridula – Practical I would say

    UK – we do slogans just for the heck of it..u are absolutely right..sigh .

    Hobo – Hope people understand that

    magic eye, ajeya, mitr, jeevan – I agree

    Tinkerbell – yes, that was a great idea..just wished we did more relevant stuff

    Photo Cache – Thanks for sharing that..very effective I must say, but in India internet penetration is way way behind

  6. indicaspecies 4 May, 2010 at 01:31 Reply

    I’ve seen more ads of Incredible India in SFO buses, and yes, on a couple of taxis in NY too. Gives a warm feeling to see those when away from home, ain’t it?

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