BlogHong Kong

Souvenir from Hong Kong – The Peeing Doll

This one is for all my readers.

Strolling around Stanley Market last week , I saw several souvenirs, but this one caught my eye – The Peeing Doll. I was taken in by the entire ” manual ” which clearly illustrated how to make the doll pee..I did not buy it, but I took permission to take a picture. In Hong Kong, most shopkeepers do not allow photos to be taken, but the lady here obliged as I had bought a few tea pots from her . 


  1. Anu 4 October, 2010 at 11:30 Reply

    Nice one, Lakshmi! i remember a simpler version of a ‘peeing doll’ i got my sis when she was in school… it amused us for ages!

  2. shooting star 6 October, 2010 at 21:55 Reply

    interesting..l always try to get interesting souvenirs like these on my trips..maybe if i do visit hong kong….ill get a couple of these to gift my friends & relatives

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