Yearly Archives: 2015

birdingBirding DiariesBirdsIndia

Bird watching in India – Part one

Bird watching in India is one of my favourite hobbies and I have travelled to some known and ...
British ColumbiaCanada

Five favourite experiences from British Columbia, Canada

I was in Canada last fall and visited British Columbia on invitation from the tourism board. I had ...

Why you must sail on a yacht and not a ...

Luxury Yachts, Goa One of my earliest “misadventurers” was in a yacht club when I tried learning to ...
BlogTravel and Food

Flavours of a Mega Kitchen in India

I was in Puri Jagannath Temple recently when I had a sneak preview into their massive kitchen that ...

Snorkeling at La Digue, Seychelles

“Jump, “ orders the skipper Hyacinth as I look nervously at the ocean depths below from the boat. ...