

Sikkim – monasteries around Gangtok

There is something magical about a monastery that cannot be explained. Spinning the prayer wheels, we entered the Lingdum or ...

Deepavali Bonanza

Ive been in for a lot of surprises this year and another one greeted me today. I had been out ...

Sikkim – a walk in the clouds

You can write an ode to the mist in Sikkim or lose yourself in the fog. But the clouds tell ...

Memories of Sikkim

I woke up with a groggy start today after a rather dramatic day yesterday and my thoughts went back to ...

River Teesta – Sikkim

These were a couple of pictures that I took of the River Teesta in Sikkim during my last trip..Cant wait ...

Onake Kindi – rock art from a prehistoric site

We passed through lush fields as we drove down from Anegundi.    There were neither huts nor shops in sight. All ...