Search Results for: Madras


A morning at Marina

It was an impromptu decision to go to marina beach this morning and I spent about half an hour there ...

Deepavali Bonanza

Ive been in for a lot of surprises this year and another one greeted me today. I had been out ...
BlogfestivalsGanesh ChaturthiKarnataka

The Ganesha comes home – India celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi

Frenzied drum beats as towering Ganeshas are paraded in autos ,crowds beating the rains and shopping for their puja paraphernalia ...

Seeyamangalam-cave temples of the Pallavas

When we think of  Pallava art and architecture, the rock cut caves and the shore temple at  Mahabalipuram comes to ...

Its festival time in India !

Indians are forever celebrating – births of Gods and Goddesses, their marriages and the victory of deities over demons. For ...
itinerariesSingaporeTravel Itineraries

Singapore in three days

Its tough to touch, feel and see any country in a few days , especially if you are a traveller ...