Search Results for: Madras

BeachesCoromandel ColoniesIndia

Driving down the Coromandel Coast – Part 1

It has always been my dream to traverse down the coastline and lose myself in dusty fishing hamlets. The smell ...

Faces of Chennai

images from the photowalk – You meet many faces when you walk down the road and some stay with you..

Chennai-moments and monuments

Our photo-walk continues as we walk past the Churches -Wesley and St Andrew’s Kirk.It gets hotter, but we pause by ...

A landmark of Chennai

  Vamsee had tagged me a while ago and the rules were fairly simple. I had to select the 6th ...

Back in Bangalore –

Travelling is often passing one milestone and moving on to the next. I am now back in Bangalore and lazing ...

At home in Chennai

A friend seeing my status on Facebook asked me “What, you are on a jaunt again ? ” I relied ...